Saturday, September 11, 2021

bored panda animals being jerks

We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. Check your inbox, and click on the link to activate your account. We have an unconditional love for our pets, they are family and no matter what kind of mischief they get up to, we always find a way to forgive them.

bored panda animals being jerks - We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link

With this in mind, we here at Bored Panda asked people to submit pics of their pets acting like total jerks. Like many of the keepers at the zoo, Virga identified with animals from early on. His parents named him after Vint Bonner, the good guy on the TV western "The Restless Gun," and when he was growing up in the suburbs of San Diego in the '60s, his favorite pastime was hanging around some nearby stables that offered trail rides.

bored panda animals being jerks - Check your inbox

Later, he got a summer job at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, where he helped take care of sea lions, and on weekends, he went on long hikes with his sheltie. Mostly, Virga enjoyed being alone in nature, or with animals. "They understood me better than my family," he says. "I was shy and had a hard time figuring out what to say to people, so at parties I would gravitate toward the cat or dog. I still do." By the time he got to college, at the University of California, Davis, he was spending so much time around animals that the administrator at the animal-science department offered to let him live in the horse barn.

bored panda animals being jerks - We have an unconditional love for our pets

Yup, everything from dogs to lizards to birds to fish can be jerks. Whether that means playing too rough, making a mess, or stealing your food, they know we love them — and they have no problem taking advantage of that. So, what are we to do when our pets act like jerks? Sure, not all of them involve the destruction of property, but a lot of them do. His bewildered owners had to send a notice out to the neighborhood about his impressive collection. When this kitten was discovered by her owner in the process of destroying the shower curtain, she had the good grace to look ashamed for a moment.

bored panda animals being jerks - With this in mind

But that only lasted briefly before the thrill of the hunt started again. This dog was excited at the sight of its favorite pool float. In fact, it was so excited it was willing to almost drown its owner to get it. Cartman is often shown to be a poor student, but excels in leadership and team organization which usually involves exploitation of others' weaknesses. Although having his origins as a secondary role as the comic foil, Cartman has evolved into a character of stunningly articulate manipulative talents and techniques.

bored panda animals being jerks - Like many of the keepers at the zoo

His abilities are deeply Machiavellian in nature, and his character follows closely in the footsteps of other famous manipulators such as the character Iago from William Shakespeare's Othello. In several episodes throughout the series, he employs this skill to get what he wants. He talked the ginger kids out of killing all non-gingers after Kyle told him that they had played a trick on him in "Ginger Kids". Earlier in that episode, he had rallied all the gingers into a genocidal frenzy, convincing them that all non-gingers are inferior in a Hitler or KKK-esque way, as well as stage violent protests and march down the streets chanting "red power!".

bored panda animals being jerks - His parents named him after Vint Bonner

He then made them kidnap all the children in town and hold them in a cage over a pit of lava, but managed to convince them to stop when he was told by Kyle that his case of "Gingervitus" was a prank. Along the same line, in "The Passion of the Jew", he is able to rally all the members of the Mel Gibson fan club to march through the town while yelling, "Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!" (We must exterminate the Jews!). However, it should probably be noted that they were ignorant of the true meaning of this phrase, mistaking it for Aramaic. Cartman was also shown smiling in the background at the argument, as if all was according to his plan.

bored panda animals being jerks - Later

He also demonstrates great understanding of the human mind and the way to exploit it. In the episode "Tsst", Cartman was able to drive several nannies from his house with insults and insinuation . In the same episode, he also made one child saw his own leg off in a reference to the movie "Saw". To show you the hidden dark side that dwells within the hearts of all birbs out there, Bored Panda presents to you this list, freshly forged in the halls of our Editorial Department.

bored panda animals being jerks - Mostly

Upvote the jerkiest pet birds, let us know in the comments which ones you think are the worst offenders, and warn your friends that birds are not as cute as they seem! While you're on a roll, have a look through Bored Panda's other fun lists about cats being jerks, funny animals that don't care about rules, and bosses acting like the biggest jerks on the planet. Cartman, though incapable of empathy towards people, exhibits a strong bond with cats despite being a speciesist.

bored panda animals being jerks - They understood me better than my family

In "Major Boobage", cats are made illegal because Kenny, along with several other kids around the country, begins using male cat musk as a hallucinogenic drug. Cartman lies to the police, claiming that he had his cat put down when he really is hiding his cat in the attic. Throughout the episode he collects abandoned cats in his attic out of sympathy. His cat has been on the show since the series began, and his love for cats could have developed from his lack of other family members besides his mother; he has no father or siblings. This empathetic relationship is reserved for cats and not humans; he does not recognize a parallel between his cat safe-haven to the history of Jews hiding from Nazi soldiers during the Holocaust, which Kyle points out. The most active family member in Cartman's life is his mother, Liane Cartman.

bored panda animals being jerks - I was shy and had a hard time figuring out what to say to people

A recurring joke throughout the series is that, despite his mother's sweetness and wholesome demeanor, she is in fact a promiscuous, oversexed, crack-smoking, scheiße-porn queen, prostitute, and nymphomaniac. Many of these aspects of Liane's personal life are a constant source of annoyance for Cartman, whose friends often mock him over, and which he attempts to fruitlessly deny. An example being when Stan and Kyle continuously stated she was on the cover of "Crack-Whore" magazine in "Pinkeye". Cartman, attempted to deny this fact, until presented with the magazine itself.

bored panda animals being jerks - I still do

He then stated that she had been "young and needed the money", which unfortunately did not work, as Stan and Kyle pointed out that the pictures had been taken just a month ago. She thus desires that Cartman be her 'friend', and will do anything to keep him happy. This unfortunately could explain much of his behavior. It has been implied that Liane may be responsible for much of Cartman's racism, anti-semitism and homophobia, as he often was to quote disparaging things that he had supposedly heard her say. For the most part, it seemed that Cartman was perhaps lying or misquoting his mother, except for in "Pinkeye", in which Liane made Cartman an Adolf Hitler Halloween costume, despite Cartman not knowing who that was at the time. Upvote your fave photos of cats acting naughty as you scroll down below into the wild lands of feline jerkitude.

bored panda animals being jerks - Yup

And don't forget to share any similar pics of your meanie meowholefelines in the comment section. Need some more proof that far from every feline is a noble big cat with a regal bearing and great meowners? Check out Part 1 of our series about independent and curious cat pranksters right here.How we act around cats can have a real effect on how they behave.

bored panda animals being jerks - Whether that means playing too rough

For instance, one study showed that cats were much more social and spent much more time with people who were paying attention to them than people who were ignoring them. There are just some weeks where I wakeup sad, mostly I feel that I'm not good enough to do any of the things that I do, like they're just passable, like I'm leading a D- life, 60% at best. I work as a commission artist, my hobby is live streaming, and I'm currently in school to be a pilot and hopefully work for American Airlines or Virgin.

bored panda animals being jerks - So

They're not exactly high stress things but I feel hyper critical of them. I wake up a lot and wonder why I'm doing them if I'm only passable at best when I do them. My friends and family always say that those are some of the things I do best, but then I just wonder why I should do anything if the things I do best aren't very good.

bored panda animals being jerks - Sure

Then I would always go hang out with the octopus and I would just feel better because I know that I made his day better by seeing him and at least is was good at that. But that is one thing that I know I'm good at, I'm really good with animals of any kind. In "Woodland Critter Christmas", Cartman made Stan the protagonist of his Christmas story (he is described as 'the boy in a red poof-ball hat'). The fact that Stan is portrayed normally in the Christmas story hints that Stan is Cartman's friend, unlike Kyle, who is portrayed as evil.

bored panda animals being jerks - His bewildered owners had to send a notice out to the neighborhood about his impressive collection

In "Douche and Turd", Stan votes for Cartman's mascot instead of Kyle's, much to Kyle's dismay. Also, in the episode "Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus", when Stan appears to be the only boy who hasn't gotten their period, Cartman reassures him that he will get it one day. However, in "Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants", Cartman declares that he hates Stan because Stan loves animals. Even so, in the episode "Trapped in the Closet", all three boys de-friend Stan after he becomes the leader of Scientology.

bored panda animals being jerks - When this kitten was discovered by her owner in the process of destroying the shower curtain

As the boys leave, Cartman turns to Stan and says, "I still hate Kyle more than you". This implies that Cartman cares about Stan's well-being to an extent. Another reference to their friendship is in "Pee" when Cartman notices that Kyle, Stan, Butters and Jimmy are still alive he instantly hugs Stan, running past Kyle. In "1%", someone begins destroying Cartman's toys after he was told to grow up.

bored panda animals being jerks - But that only lasted briefly before the thrill of the hunt started again

Clyde Frog is stabbed and nailed to a tree with the word VENGEANCE underneath. Then, Peter Panda is set on fire while Cartman was asleep, which burns his room. Cartman finds Polly Prissypants in a chair, with a revolver.

bored panda animals being jerks - This dog was excited at the sight of its favorite pool float

The act is dropped when we see Cartman voicing Polly as she "confesses" to the murders, claiming that the others were right, that Cartman had to grow up. So she killed the other toys and planned on framing Token, but Cartman reminds her that because of Obama, black people cannot be blamed. In desperation, Polly asks Cartman to kill her, which he reluctantly does.

bored panda animals being jerks - In fact

The other boys watched, and realized that this was Cartman's delusional way of getting rid of his stuffed animals. A defining arc during the show's fourth season was Cartman's single-minded quest to make 10 million dollars. He also tried at it in the episode "Cherokee Hair Tampons" when Kyle's kidneys were failing and Cartman, being the only one with Kyle's blood type, demanded a payment of 10 million dollars when Stan begged him to let Kyle have his kidney. He has also tried to sell a crashed truck-load of aborted fetuses to the highest-bidding stem cell research center, and even to a restaurant as food. In "Up the Down Steroid", Cartman had also pretended he was retarded to compete in the Special Olympics and win $1000.

bored panda animals being jerks - Cartman is often shown to be a poor student

The reasons for this are never fully explained, although in one episode "Cartmanland", after inheriting a million dollars from his grandmother, he reveals that he wishes to buy his own amusement park so he won't have to wait in lines for the rides. He also stated that it has been his dream to own a million dollars since he was two years old. In "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow", he threatens Kyle with a gun for his "Jew Gold". In "ManBearPig" Cartman stumbles upon a pile of treasure while the boys are trapped in a system of caves. Afraid that the others might find the treasure and demand a share, Cartman decides to swallow as many of the coins and jewels as he can, causing him to become extremely bloated and unable to walk or swim on his own.

bored panda animals being jerks - Although having his origins as a secondary role as the comic foil

Later in the episode it is revealed, during the process of painfully crapping it out, that the treasure is fake and used for photographs for tourists at the caves. One study has shown that cats are more sociable and spend more time with people who pay attention to them than those who ignore them. To make sure your cat gives you the attention and love you deserve, take care of it properly and become its friend little by little. To do this, give your cat healthy food, exercise and plenty of playtime. And although some are nasty no matter what you do, they're more likely to stop pooping on your shoes and throwing everything away for you to pay attention to, if they know their servants are taking care of them. Virga still feels apprehensive when visiting an unfamiliar zoo.

bored panda animals being jerks - His abilities are deeply Machiavellian in nature

But several months ago, I asked him to come with me to a large zoo in a mid-Atlantic city; I wanted to see the exhibits through his eyes. Like many American zoos, it was in the midst of a transition from old-fashioned habitats — the polar bear's was little more than a concrete amphitheater with a moat, and the animal lay on its back, motionless — to more considered ones. The brown bears nearby were playing in a swimming hole; one was chewing on a branch. They were surrounded by trees and had places to climb and even a section where they could be out of view.

bored panda animals being jerks - In several episodes throughout the series

They were enclosed on the long sides by glass, like a lab slide, in a space smaller than an average studio apartment in Manhattan. Their sleek bodies were contracted, and their expressions wan. In the famous poem about watching a caged panther at a zoo, Rilke wrote, "A mighty will stands paralyzed." That about covered it. "This is the worst thing I've seen in a long time," he said finally, then turned away, wiped his eyes with his hand and motioned for us to go.

bored panda animals being jerks - He talked the ginger kids out of killing all non-gingers after Kyle told him that they had played a trick on him in

Virga is short and solid, and something about his rounded shoulders, low center of gravity and root-beer-colored eyes conjures a prairie dog or a woodchuck. When he smiles, which is often, his face becomes a mask of wonderment, like that of an amazed and delighted child, and when he speaks, his voice often takes on the tone of someone speaking the first lines of a fairy tale. The only time I saw him register sharp displeasure was one day when we visited a closed-off area behind the snow-leopard exhibit, where the animals spend nights and interact with keepers and vets. A keeper was training a juvenile snow leopard named Sabu to sidle up to the bars and present its flank for an injection. Over and over, he prodded the large silver cat in the side with a wooden dowel, a stand-in for a syringe, and then tossed it a grape. As Virga watched, his face grew pained, then flushed with anger, then relaxed into a neutral expression.

bored panda animals being jerks - Earlier in that episode

He told the keeper that he was giving the leopard conflicting messages. First, he explained, Sabu should grow comfortable with leaning against the bars — so he could retain a sense of control and the ability to back away — and only later become habituated to the poke. Virga delivered this correction in his molasses voice and reassuring slow cadences, and the keeper, a far larger man in a baseball cap, was soon nodding and joking. We Love Cats and Kittens is a labour of love bringing you photos, videos and stories of every kind about cats and kittens with new posts every day. Please enter email address By submitting email you agree to get Bored Panda newsletter.

bored panda animals being jerks - He then made them kidnap all the children in town and hold them in a cage over a pit of lava

We will not publish or share your email address in any way. We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted. From the cat who stole its neighbor's underwear to the dog who opened a window while going through a drive-through car wash,Bored Panda asked people to send in photos of their beloved pets 'acting like total jerks' — and the images don't disappoint. This list, compiled by the good folks here atBored Panda,is a catalog of shame, showing the times when pet owners were jerks not only to their poor animals but to society at large. From the liberal dumpings of excrement to just flat-out animal neglect, these people don't deserve to be let anywhere near an animal again, and makes you wonder if perhaps it was time people had to get a license to have a pet. There's a massive aquarium nearby me and I always go when I'm sad, to the point where the employee's know me me by name.

bored panda animals being jerks - Along the same line

I would always go to see the octopus, he was shy at first but after a while he started to come out when I was there, I would always sit with him for hours. I called him rubrum because I'm a latin nerd and he was red, but his real name was Neptune. His tank is way too small for him and I thought he could just use a friend because they're my favourite animals. A few weeks ago I was feeling depressed and I went to see my little buddy rubrum. Sadly he had died since the last time I was in there.

bored panda animals being jerks - However

I'm still really sad about it and I regret not going more often recently. I went at minimum once a month butmy ex didn't like sitting with him because she thought he was boring. Eventually I stopped going because I she didn't want me going without her. I didn't get to see him much in the months before I died and it makes me really really sad to know he's gone. Token then invites several black families to South Park, and is left out again. This shows that the children go out of their way to find something that can insult and rip off each other for, and will transfer that insult to the next person if the present one is not around.

bored panda animals being jerks - Cartman was also shown smiling in the background at the argument

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